OOAMA upgrade the online and in person courses every month.
Courses – Education.
1. Ankle and Foot pain – (4 hours)-$ 150,
2. Arthritis and Exercises – (4 hours)-$ 150,
3. Back Pain (Signs, Symptoms and Treatment) – (4 hours)-$ 150,
4. Balanced Ligamentous Tension Osteopathic Techniques-(4 hours)-$ 150,
5. Basic of Osteopathy-$5,000
6. Chapman’s points and Visceral somatic Reflexes – (4 hours)-$ 150
7. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome – (4 hours)-$ 150
8.Cervicogenic Headache – (4 hours)-$ 150,
9. Coccydynia (Coccyx Pain) – (4 hours)-$ 150
10. Diagnostic and Osteopathic Treatment for Achilles Tendinopathy-(4 hours)-$150
11. Elbow pathology – (4 hours)-$ 150,
12. Fibromyalgia (FM) – (4 hours)-$ 150,
13. Forearm Somatic Disfunctions – (4 hours)-$ 150,
14. Frozen Shoulder – (4 hours)-$ 150,
15. Gait Dysfunction – (4 hours)-$ 150,
16. Hip Disorders-(4 hours)-$ 150
17. Introduction of Osteopathy- (4 hours)-$ 150,
18. Knee Pain Relief Through Mobilization Techniques- (4 hours)-$ 150,
18. Knee mobilization – (4 hours)-$ 150,
19. Knee Somatic Dysfunctional – (4 hours)-$ 150,
20. Midfoot and Forefoot Somatic Dysfunction
21. Musculoskeletal disorders (MSD) – (4 hours)-$ 150,
22. Osteopathic Treatment and Examination of Thoracic spine Somatic Disfunctions – (4 hours)-$ 150,
23. Osteopathic Lymphatic Techniques – (4 hours)-$ 150,
24. Osteopathic Treatment of Innominate and Pelvis- (4 hours)-$ 150,
25. Osteopathic Strategies for Managing Adolescent Back Pain – (4 hours)-$ 150,
26. Neurological Evaluation
27. Piriformis Syndrome, Osteopathic Evaluation and Tr. – (4 hours)-$150,
28. Poor Posture – (4 hours)-$ 150,
29. Shoulder Bursitis – (4 hours)-$ 150,
30. Shoulder Impingement Syndrome- (4 hours)-$ 150
31. Somatic Disfunction – (4 hours)-$ 150,
32. Somatic Disfunction of Clavicle, Sternum, Ribs – (4 hours)-$ 150,
33. Snaping Scapula Syndrome-(4 hours) – $150,
34. Spinal Mobilization in Osteopathic Practice (4 hours) – $150,
36.Thoracic Spine Somatic Dysfunction and Examination- (4 hours)-$ 150,
37. Treating Hip Mobilization Techniques- (4 hours)-$ 150,
We provide the courses every day. To get an online course please send your full name, address, the e-transfer to: ooamapay@gmail.com. We will send you the course by e-mail. After passing the test, you can send the quiz by email and we will send you a certificate via mail.
OOAMA is providing in person practical course 5 -6 hours ($300) by appointment.
Neck pain.
Back pain
Lower back pain
Shoulders pain
Knee pain
Keeping of Medical and Treatment records-($100)
To make the appointment please call: 416-837-3131